Cross-Platform Software

Sometimes is makes sense to develop software for different platforms at the same time, using cross-platform APIs or Virtual Machines (VMs). Subsymbolics provides solutions for both cases.

Name Solution Language Portability Embedded
Trolltech QT Cross-Platform API C++ Windows/UNIX/BSD/Apple OSX Trolltech delivers QT/E and the QWS-Server for embedded Linux which makes it easy to port QT Applications
GTK+ UNIX API C UNIX/BSD Embedded Linux Framebuffer support
wxWindows Cross-Platform API C++ Windows/UNIX/BSD/Apple OSX Embedded Linux Framebuffer support
Borland Kylix Cross-Platform API Delphi Windows/Linux-x86 Not advisable since it's hardware-dependent
.NET/.GNU/Mono VM C/C++/C# The standard graphics classes provided by Microsoft are not portable Not advisable, too slow
Java AWT/Swing VM Java Almost anywhere Not advisable, too slow
Java JNI VM and Native Interface Mixed
Almost anywhere Depends on what part oft the software is written in C/C++